Friday, October 24, 2008


I feel so violent today. Or maybe just rough. Hormones, is it? lol.
As i was re-installing the msn messenger, there's this msn butterfly flattering it's wings.
I didn't think of it as cute nor beautiful, cuz it ain't attractive. Okay whatheheck, i'm talking about butterflies. So pathetic right? Anyways, i feel like crushing that butterfly wings. Grr.
I have good imaginations.

Me: Oi. Go and shower! Stink ass.
Eve: Jie, got your results already?
Me: not yet. Go and shower. Don't bug me.
Eve: you know what, i got all A's for my papers i got today.
Me: yer! what subject? (i get superb jealous of her results. smart people. sigh)
Eve: um, History, Science and a few other papers. (big deal meh?XP)
Me: *stranggles her*
Eve: *coughs*
Me: how can you get so many good results!! arhggh!!
Eve: yerh! why you stranggle people wan! *runs to bathroom*

See? violent right? I don't know why. Itchy hands.

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