Friday, October 17, 2008


Finally! Finalleeeee! It's freedom i tell you!
Exam's over and and and..i had the best mood ever!
Thanks for making my day peeps=D
So since i'm in a ever-so-good mood,
it means movie time! or should i say movie marathon?
To pmr students, it's over for you too right?
no sweat. =P
Okay, so Yoke Pei is watching The House Bunny with me.
Piano teacher's joining me to watch Eagle Eye.
Movies left: Mamamia, Max Payne.
Anyone care to join? I can't watch a movie alone right. look dumb. sounds dumb.
Oh, anyone as in friends la. So if you are sitting at home goyang kaki, staring at the blank wall, drinking milk, feeling bored or lonely and doing some other nonsense at home, please do text me for a movie=D
Set a time, day and date please.
To strangers who want to join;
Include your: full name, ID, address, postcode, a passport size picture, full size picture, bank account, etc.
(haha.just for the sake of fun.kidding! strangers aren't invited. suit yourself=D)

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