Friday, October 24, 2008


Random : Whatever a guy says to a girl is only 76% true.
This was quoted by a man, not a woman. I was wondering whether this is fact or fiction.
Is it true? I don't know (:


I looveee tags! Depends.

1. The person who tag/pass you is?
Ng Jas Min

2. Your relationship with her/him is?
Friend. ex-weird-do's!

3. Your five impression of her/him?
- Speaks cutely. Life is good when you get your accounts work balanced??
- Funny.
- Genius. Or maybe just smarter than me?
- Sociable.
- Enjoys food.

4. The most memorable thing she/he had done for you?
Whacking her stomach real hard like playing drum beats. Entertaining!

5. The most memorable thing she/he had said to you?
Got ah? Cannot remember.

6. If she/he become your lover you will?
I'll pinch myself cuz it's just a dream.

7. If she/he become your lover, thing she/he has to improve on will be?
Hello! isn't this tag supposed to be tagged by a guy in my case?

8. If she/he become your enemy, you will?
Non-stop jeling at her.XD ( enemies? impossible! she's too sweet.)

9. If she/he become your enemy, the reason will be?
Saying that she's fat 24/7. She ain't fat okay!

10. The most desired thing you want to do for her/him now is?
A hug. Big one.

11. Your overall impression of her/him is?
Funny and talkable.

12. How you think people around you will feel about you?
Talkable and fun? No idea, you tell me.

13. The characters you love of yourself are?
Talkable? (doesn't apply to everyone)

14. On the contrary, the character you hate yourself are?
I gotta learn how to wake up on the right side of my bed.

15. The most ideal person you want to be is?
Me. Yesh, ME. I love myself so why would i wanna be Victoria Beckham? nonsense.

16. For people that care and like you, say something to them.
Err..*scratches head*

17. Pass this quiz to 10 persons that you wished to know how they feel about you.
1) Lilian
2) Tiffany
3) Bryan
4) Nick
5) Joyce
6) Jasmine
7) Poh Leong
8) Charlotte
9) Haziqah
10) Joshua

18. Who is no.6 having relationship with?
Some 20-something fella. oopsXD

19. Is no.9 is a male or female?

20. If number 7 and 10 are together, will it be a good thing?
HAHAHA! Cannot imagine.

21. What is no.2 studying about?
Same class, studying the same thing la. Craps.

22. When was the last time you had a chat with no.3?
Last Sunday.

23. What kind of music band does no. 8 like?
No idea. Cina band that's why i don't know(:

24. Does no.1 have any siblings?
Yeah. Two noisy chatterbox.

25. Will you woo no.3?
Of course. He's hot, why not? LMAO.

26. How about number 7?
I'll think about it. XD

27. Is no. 4 single?
Yup. *hint to yokepei* lol.

28. What is the surname of no.5?

29. What’s the hobby of no.10?
Telling lame jokes. Like real lame ones. Is that even a hobby?

30. Does no.5 and 9 get along well?
Don't know each other.

31. Where is no.2 studying at?

32. Talk something casually about no.1?
Err, she just spread her flu to me! ugh.

33. Have you tried developing feelings for no.6?
I think. We share our plate of si ham together, always.XD

34. Where does no.9 live at?

35. What colour does no.4 like?
* stares blankly*

36. Are no.5 and 1 best friends?
Quite. Together, they got the capacity to make my ear drums explode!

37. Is no.7 the sexiest person in the world?
I'm sexier.

38. What is no.6 doing now?


I just figured out that i'm a complete pc noob.
See, i even have to take some time to realised it.
Complete noob-ish.
All those hassle just to install a friggin msn messenger.

was window shopping with Yokepei..
Wei, I hate my computer.
Oh, your msn messenger is it?
Yeah, i hate it! I uninstalled it but i don't know how to reinstall it.ugh.
I think Eve can do all these stuff better than you.
Yeah i know.
Sometimes i think you don't know how to use your pc.
Haha.Thanks a lot. I know.

all thanks to PohLeong, you made my day! kind of=D. But still felt like a noob.
Hello! Eh, msn messenger where got butterfly wan?
Oh yeah! haha! I download the wrong thing already!
How now? I don't know what to do. I don't know where to go.
Okay okay you go to google..yadaa yada...
Oh. Then? Click run or save?
Yeah save.
Save or run? Must be sure. (i think i'm quite a bugger+ stupidity)
Save first then run.
Argh! Cannot already!
I don't know. There's this few program that cannot be installed!...
Oh. I know already. Your pc cannot install those stuff. Try again la.
But, there's only a 'try again later' button. How to try again now?
*took me a while to realise i was talking so stupidly.tsktsk.*

Well its still pending but all things are going well.=D


I feel so violent today. Or maybe just rough. Hormones, is it? lol.
As i was re-installing the msn messenger, there's this msn butterfly flattering it's wings.
I didn't think of it as cute nor beautiful, cuz it ain't attractive. Okay whatheheck, i'm talking about butterflies. So pathetic right? Anyways, i feel like crushing that butterfly wings. Grr.
I have good imaginations.

Me: Oi. Go and shower! Stink ass.
Eve: Jie, got your results already?
Me: not yet. Go and shower. Don't bug me.
Eve: you know what, i got all A's for my papers i got today.
Me: yer! what subject? (i get superb jealous of her results. smart people. sigh)
Eve: um, History, Science and a few other papers. (big deal meh?XP)
Me: *stranggles her*
Eve: *coughs*
Me: how can you get so many good results!! arhggh!!
Eve: yerh! why you stranggle people wan! *runs to bathroom*

See? violent right? I don't know why. Itchy hands.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Okay, here's the thing.
I may be thin.
That's because i have a good digestive system.
I can eat a lot.
I mean A LOT.
If the food is good.
I don't worry if i ate a cow.
So get it?
I'm not aneroxic.
p/s: wanna know what aneroxic means?
people who doesn't eat bak kut teh.

for example: >>

How can she not like bak kut teh? sigh. That's why, aneroxic.
lol. Just a mere joke alright? no offence.XD


Black and white.
Very interesting meh?
Hello. It's GYcamp!! wheee! Well it might not look the way you want it to look, it might not be the best place ( i'm thinking bathroom condition, bed condition, pillow condition and cleanliness of the room or should i say dorm)
..but nevertheless it's gonna be awsome i tell yea.
So, be there or be square!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Sometimes, you just need to keep things simple to make life a little, better.
Why cry when you can use the time sleeping?
Why get angry when you can just scream on your pillow and let it all out?
Why get stress up when you can take your time praying and asking for God's help?
Why count sheeps when you can talk to the shepherd whenever you can't sleep?
So what if i feel stressed up, frustrated by all the worldly things and chasing after worldly stuff that will eventually turn into dust someday? Well exam's finally over and i realised how lousy i feel and get angry over little things. sigh. dumb right? Well it's okay that now i realised my own mistakes because it's better late than never right?
So chill, people! Life's not as complicated as you think it is when you have Him with yea=D
I'm feeling all good and excited. woohoo! Everything's clearing up now.

Sunday, October 19, 2008


Ughh!!! i feel like screaming at the world!
See, i'm suppose to get my puppy in the petstore today..golden retriever!
Got soo excited, went to church still though=)
And guess what.
The nincompoop pet shop owner gave my mom a call and said:
miss ah, this is Poppy Pet Store. i sold the dog to someone already.
what? how can you do that? i thought we made a deal with you already?!
yeah, but it's common sense.
what common sense?!
you know first come first serve basis rite.blablablah.

See? what kind of pet shop owner is this. We booked and requested the puppy two weeks ago and that's her lousy excuse? NO BUSINESS ETHICS! Hope you run out of business and you have no customers to buy your doggie dogs and you'll have to beg us to buy your pets! ugh. There! Now i'm feeling better. Not so actually. Okay i'm not in a mood anymore. So if you pass by me and say hi or give me a call..i think you better not.=/
Freaking msn messenger is not working for days now! Can someone solve this? I'll spare a hug. Promise.

Friday, October 17, 2008


Finally! Finalleeeee! It's freedom i tell you!
Exam's over and and and..i had the best mood ever!
Thanks for making my day peeps=D
So since i'm in a ever-so-good mood,
it means movie time! or should i say movie marathon?
To pmr students, it's over for you too right?
no sweat. =P
Okay, so Yoke Pei is watching The House Bunny with me.
Piano teacher's joining me to watch Eagle Eye.
Movies left: Mamamia, Max Payne.
Anyone care to join? I can't watch a movie alone right. look dumb. sounds dumb.
Oh, anyone as in friends la. So if you are sitting at home goyang kaki, staring at the blank wall, drinking milk, feeling bored or lonely and doing some other nonsense at home, please do text me for a movie=D
Set a time, day and date please.
To strangers who want to join;
Include your: full name, ID, address, postcode, a passport size picture, full size picture, bank account, etc.
(haha.just for the sake of fun.kidding! strangers aren't invited. suit yourself=D)

Friday, October 10, 2008


Okay, for the record i don't hate myself for being myself XP. I just miss myself! Like really really missed it. Where did all the fun went huh?!
A list of things i wanna catch up:
#1 Have some serious talk with Su Vien.haha. Not serious, just wanna have a long talk with her. Miss her like mad. We can talk for hours and after that call each other and start talking again=D
#2 Yoke Pei's present! I'm definately gonna get one no matter how late is it baby! And i miss hanging out with you and asking you out like really last minute.whee! thanks for tolerating babe.
#3 What else.Shopping.
#4 Movies! so many to catch up on. I think i'll go for a movie marathon right after the exams. Care to join?
#5 Taking pictures and camwhoring with my besties. You're in, Suvien. Just don't keep deleting the pics that we took together just because you look
#6 Friends staying over my house. (still remember about the ghost experience?hah.inside story. Nette, Yoke Pei and Suvien knows it=D)
#7 Sleeping for 12 hours straight. To be more accurate, i wanna sleep from 9 to 9. That's the best time and i've been trying to sleep at 9pm! It doesn't work though.
So, to all my kawans, i really miss you and yeah i know i isolate myself during exams but watch out! I'll be tumbling your house down, wherever you are.XP


I got so distracted i can't even read the word 'distraction'. Okay, to the point. Exam is still on and it's not just the exams we are dealing with. Here are some distractions going on inside. arghh!

#1 The Rubbish factor: Just so you know, i usually sit behind the class and at the end towards the rubbish side. It's not distracting to my eyes but its so freaking distracting to my nose. To make things worse people in front of me kept asking me to throw their rubbish! Think what? My hand is as long as yours. i can't go the extra mile. And you have hard time throwing rubbish yourself? Lazy people! Now i know why i always get flu during exams.

#2 Chewing Gum: Chew here, chew there. You know i hate chewing gums and people chewing their gums in front of me just freaks me out most of the time (unless you're cute and i'm in a very good moodXD). I can't stand the chewing sound and even the smell of that annoying-so-called-refreshing mint. As i was in the middle of my literature exam, these few girls started popping chewing gums into their mouth (very irritating you know=/). Spoil my inspiration of writing a perfect essay.sigh.

#3 The Field:
The field is just beside my class! The breeze, the kids playing, the scenery. How to sit for exam properly like that?

#4 The Passerby: And i mean the teachers. Walk here, walk there. Nevermind. But as they walk their perfume just contaminated the air. (i'm not thinking prada, DKNY or Lancome lah). I'm thinking why they need to spray so many times? Scared nobody can smell you is it? Distracting.

#5 Music in my Head: Heh. sorry yeah, to those sitting around me. I know i hymm and sing quite loud sometimes cuz i can't help it! It's like an involuntary action.Music is part of my life. How can i resist it?=D

#6 The Love Factor:
I'm not talking about me. I'm talking about those who have boyfriend this period of time.hah! very distracting right, to have someone appearing in your head now and then. Wrong season to have a special someone.(have boyfriend some more lah).

After all, certain distractions are quite entertaining at times.*shrug*

*Movies to go! Mamamia, The House Bunny, Eagle Eye, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. So much to catch up!!

Friday, October 03, 2008


Ever wonder how dangerous a skating ring is?
Let me tell you that the skating ring is not all beautiful and fancy with beautiful people skating from one end to another, doing the twist and whatsoever..
I went really early in the morning to Sunway Piramid today and well, it was my first time but i didn't know it was going to be hard. As soon as i stepped in the ring, sploosh! i almost fell. You know it's quite hard to balance yourself at first and at the same time people from up there are staring at your moves.
(no, i dind't mean God watching from up there. i mean those ah bengs and ah peks watching and laughing at your moves.)
Well, and they said no pain no gain right?
Quite true.
I fell like so many times before gaining a fluent move.
i fell on my knees. still okay, nevermind.
i fell on my ass. painful, but there's enough fat stored inside so, nevermind.
these two girls holding hands, side by side came towards me and bang! i fell on my arms, it went backwards, and got dislocated. I quickly pull my arms forward so it wasn't so bad after that.
There's more..
i fell on my hips and there's bruises on it now. It looks cool=D
(Yoke Pei told me it's not going to look good when i wear a bikini. come on! i don't even have one, mind you.ish.)
All in all, i still wanna try it again! wheee!
Can somebody take me there again?

Wednesday, October 01, 2008


You'll be wondering why i'm still blogging when i said i'll stop blogging till i finish my exams right? I don't care! haha. i cannot stand it anymore.
My chains are gone, i've been set free!
I'm not gonna tie myself up just because of some lousy, i mean LOUSY exams.=P
it's my dearie sista's birthday!!
As usual, went to blood-sucking restaurant which only make humongous holes in your pocket but nevertheless its worth it cause the food rawks!
and this Korean restaurant in Sunway Hotel was pretty fascinating. I don't know why but i quite like the environment. Oh.. i think i know why, because there were no customers! We were the only customers. Good for the family, bad for the business.XD

They got like twenty different types of side dishes. And you see those chopsticks over there? it's torturing! it's so freaking thin you can't grab it properly.=/

~onions! my all time fav~

~ notice those empty table behind? hah! no customers! love it=D


~Eve was quite pissed with me for interfering her makan time=p~

~ Dad planning to surprise Eve with a birthday cake but i guess he made it a little too obvious. ~