Saturday, November 15, 2008

It's lay back time..

Nothing better but a lay back, goyang-kaki holiday, no?
I'm on the verge of sitting on my oh-so-comfy couch and watch my favourite canto drama for hours and hours non-stop. Sounds good?
And to those who kept asking me whether i'm getting a job or not, a big fat NO.haha. I'm too lazy to move my bones this holidays so, yeap, i'm just gonna rot at home for once.
Okay, i wanna admit it's not really going to be all easy to me. I got workloads of stuff to do and stuff coming up! Argh! Go here, go there. Make this, make that. But i ain't whining cause i think i can't sit still at home the whole day. I'll be hyperventilating, serious. So, i can't wait for the upcoming events yo!
Oh, speaking of holidays getting started, i went to Aeon today and i saw this huge banner in the Jusco department store which read "back to school sales" . Pfft. what is this?! Rubbing in pressure only..

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