It's Lynnette's Birthday!
Since we're in the mood of having a surprise party for her..
We did it!
Definately a great surprise for Lynnette.
Definately a great surprise for Lynnette.
And the thing is..
we did a lot..and i mean A LOT of suspicious stuff..but still Lynnette da MC2 didn't realise we're gonna surprise her!
As usual the microphonic girls almost bring down the house.=P
And the guys..came up with lame it was fun=D
On the way home, guess what.We almost died! Alex swayed his car because he was trying to save a cat so he risk our lives!lol.Went home at 11.55pm and dad was waiting!=\
so to redeem myself..i decided to surprise him with a birthday
Ooo. and did i mention yoke pei and i baked a chocolate cake for Nette? It was hard work i tell yea..
Check out Jessica's blog for Nette's surprise pic.
our hands are clean, just so you know=)
yoke pei being a lala
*kay i'm a lousy poser=/*
turn out well.yayy!
dad's cake.loved it=D
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